Monday 15th-Friday 19th July

Monday 5th-Friday 9th August.

9am-11am. Age 5-9. 

11am-1pm. Age 10+

Cost £45 for members and £55 for non members per week. 

I will be running tennis camps at Duffus Tennis Club this summer. Dates, times and prices are below. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for either or both weeks, or any individual days then let me know.

To book a place, email David on 




In July 2020 our long time coach, Colin Anderson retired from coaching at Duffus. Colin has been the coach for many years and we all wish him well. 

The Club is delighted to announce that David Killean has agreed to take on the position of Club Coach and he is able to offer a range of coaching sessions.  Please contact him directly on David.Killean1@gmail.com.

David started playing tennis aged 3 at a sports centre's 'tots tennis' group and went on to enjoy group coaching at his local club.  He became a member of Duffus Tennis Club while at primary school.  Since that time, he has been an active club member, playing in junior teams and progressing to senior tennis in Tayside leagues.  He also takes part in competitive tennis tournaments outwith the club.  Currently, he is a LTA Level 2 coach and aims to complete further training.  

David is a competitive tennis player, playing in competitions throughout Scotland.  July 2022 - David was runner up in the North Angus open in Montrose and winner of the men's doubles with his partner, Bernhard Struck.

Our Safeguarding Officer is Andrew Doig, email awdoig24@hotmail.com/07932559167

NEWSFLASH - If you are interested in junior tennis coaching after school, please email David directly on David.killean1@gmail.com for more information. 

Above is from David's summer camps which were enjoyed by many young tennis players.

What is Mini Tennis?

 Mini Tennis is a gradual introduction to tennis for young children, using various stages, to progress from playing on a small court area to full court. This helps young players learn and develop various tennis skills, movement and tactics from an early age. The Red, Orange and Green stages are applied using age-ranges although ability and the age they started playing can also be factors in progression. The ultimate aim is being ready to enjoy playing on a full-size court. 

MINI RED (age range around 4-8 years) Smaller court area - roughly service box size. Players use sponge balls or the Mini-Tennis Red Ball. The Mini Tennis Red Ball is slightly bigger than the usual tennis ball and travels about 75% more slowly. This makes ‘playing the shot’ more manageable for young children as they have more time to respond to the oncoming ball. 

MINI ORANGE (age range around 7 years and upwards) Playing area is about 3/4 the size of a full court. Players use the Mini Tennis Orange Ball. The Mini Tennis Orange Ball is the same size as the usual tennis ball and travels about 50% slower. This allows more time for the player to ready themselves and play their shot.

 MINI GREEN (age range around 8 years and upwards) Full size court. Players use the Mini Tennis Green Ball. The Mini Tennis Green Ball is the same size as the usual tennis ball but yields a lower bounce. This makes playing the shot more manageable and, in turn, allows the players to keep rallies going longer. 

AT HOME/OFF COURT All kinds of skills can be developed off court and you don’t have to play tennis yourself to help your children develop skills. Having fun playing throw and catch or ‘keepie-uppie’ with a ball and racquet can help with timing, ‘keeping your eye on the ball’, anticipation of where ball landing/heading, movement, reaction, etc. No need to coach, just have fun and the development will be happening. Hitting a sponge ball off a wall, on the side of a garden shed or garage door, allows the player to work on ‘shape of shot’ and hone skills like anticipation, quick reaction etc. Plus, it’s fun! If you’re feeling particularly brave, Judy Murray has a number of indoor games for kids https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/get-inspired/23342076 

guidance-for-tennis-venues-coaches--players-in-scotland---covid-19 28 May.pdf